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7 Way Connectors Plastic
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7 Way Connectors Plastic
Incorporates vinyl inserts to keep out dirt and moisture. Interior design prevents internal shortcircuiting; safety latch prevents damage from accidental pull-away. Color coded to RVI standards; Interchangeable with other well-known RV types.
Unit of Measure
Items |
/Asset/M1282.jpg M-1282 Connector Set List Price $15.95
/Asset/M1283.jpg M-1283 Male Socket (Car End) List Price $8.95
/Asset/M1284.jpg M-1284 Female Plug (Trailer End) List Price $6.25
/Asset/M1296.jpg M-1296 Bracket - Steel List Price $7.50
/Asset/M4255.jpg M-4255 Bracket - Epoxy Coated List Price $3.25